Servo Voltage Stabilizer

Voltage Variation Is a common phenomenon across the world, esp. in developing and under-developed nations. Voltage variation manifests in many different ways:

  1. Low Voltage or Sags: Sags might be due to undersized distribution lines, connection of large loads to the network, ground faults, units located towards end of a long supply lines, etc.
  2. High Voltage or Surges: Surges might be generated by disconnection of large loads, increase voltage at generating plant, atmospheric events, units located close to start of a supply line, etc.
  3. Unbalanced Voltage: Phase to phase unbalancing in voltage is generally observed where multiple consumers draw power from a common distribution line or in remote locations far from power grid.

The duration of the above phenomena depends on the cause and is not predictable easily. Generally, voltage is low during the daytime & high during the night hours. Moreover, on holidays, peak hours, rainy days and when the commercial / agricultural load is switched off, the voltage rises quite sharply.


Voltage variations can play havoc with electrical & electronic systems & even bring the whole plant to a grinding halt. Even though you may currently not be experiencing the negative effect of voltage variations, it doesn’t imply that your unit is free from that problem!!! Your supply may be full of variations, but none has yet been severe enough to trigger a shutdown. Your electrical gadgets may be exposed to a significant risk, where a small increase in severity of the voltage variations could cause crippling losses.

ILL-Effects of Unstable Voltage:

  • Frequent breakdown / faults in motors, bulbs, lamps, machinery, electronic cards, etc.
  • High Electricity consumption
  • Loss of production
  • Quality rejections
  • High Diesel costs due to switching to costlier DG power
  • Loss of data, Security failure, inaccurate information, etc.

Voltage Stabilizers have proven to be an efficient answer to prevent from aforesaid potential damages and to ensure continuity and quality of production.

At “GMDT”, you shall get the best options of Voltage Stabilizers to choose from. They are designed just to suit the needs of our customer. The voltage stabilizers are best suited to condition the amount of electricity your gadgets and electrical equipment consumes. The manufacturers have devised this machine in order to ensure that they give out the maximum performance without being a headache in case of power consumption.

“GMDT” brings you a range of Voltage Stabilizers that solve the issue of irregular power cuts and sets up a stable environment in your work premises. These machines are adequately made up of techniques that are suited to assist different operational machines in almost every industry.

Automatic Digital Micro Processor based Servo Controlled Voltage Stabilizer.

Power Range: 5KVA to 5000KVA

Input voltage Range 3ph: 360-460, 340-480, 300-500V AC

Input voltage Range 1ph: 160-270V, 180-280V, 130-260V AC

Output voltage Range 3ph: 415,400,380V AC

Output Voltage Range 1ph: 240,230,220V AC

Load Type: Balance & Unbalanced type

Overload Capacity: 120%

Correction Speed: 35V/sec, 70V/sec, 110V/sec

Cooling: Natural Air cooled up to 125KVA

Modes of system: Both auto or manual

Efficiency: 98.5%

With Over load / Short Circuit protection Time Delay, High / Low voltage cut off and Single Phasing protection with Neutral.

Benefits of "GMDT " make Servo Stabilizers: -

  • Reduction in breakdown of electrical equipment: - Up to80% depending upon the input voltage variation and working hours of the plant which will result in zero breakdown and better utilization of manpower & equipments.
  • Energy Saving: -10-30% depending upon the input voltage variation and working hours of the plant. Enhanced productivity of plant. Uniform quality of end product.
  • Guarantee: -Our Servo stabilizer are warranted for 1 year Unconditionally after installations at site. we have side spread service network in most of the states of India and we provide Services at site our clients for any complaints.
  • Protection: - Over voltage protection, under voltage protection, Short circuit Protection, Single phasing Preventer, Phase Reversal Preventer. Improvement in Power Factor
  • Control System: -Plug in type Microprocessor based Control card for high reliability, accuracy, & Easy maintenance.

Applications of “GMDT” Servo Stabilizers:

GMDT Automatic Servo Voltage Stabilizers are installed either along with the main Distribution Transformer / Panel to ensure stabilized voltage supply to entire plant & machinery / complex, or along with individual machines processes to hold voltage / current / power / temperature / lighting intensity constant. Our SCVS find wide application across all kinds of machines or industries / commercial / residential complexes.

Mines & Collieries Cement Plants Flour Mills Rice Shellers
Hotels & Restaurants Food Processing units Pharmaceutical Units Engineering Products
Hospitals & Clinics Tea & Coffee Estates Paper Mills Cold Storages
Oil Plants Rubber Industries Textile Mills Warehouses
Rolling Mills Plastic Moulding High Rise Buildings Leather & Footwear
Vineyards & Poultry Farms Sponge Iron Units Breweries & Beverages Showrooms
Schools & Colleges Offices & Residences Shopping Malls Any kind of manufacturing