Solar system


Solar power has emerged as one of the most effective renewable energy source on the planet. In 6 hours, enough sunlight hits the earth to power the whole world for a complete year!

Marking the completion of immense years of experience in the segment of Marine and Land Base Power Solutions, GMDT is celebrating its success by adding this reliable and sustainable power source to its core business.

GMDT provides solar power solutions to the industrial, institutional and commercial sectors. Right from design, engineering to project development and maintenance, we provide a comprehensive range of services to the clients looking for a reliable and environmental friendly source of electricity.

Our in-house EPC allows us to enhance our system design expertise with each successive project, be flexible with our choice of technology and source from top-tier suppliers that optimizes both the system cost and power yield of the total solar block. We are able to further negotiate pricing as we have built a well-recognized brand, strong supplier relationships and significant economies of scale.


As a result of our value engineering, we have seen a significant reduction in balance of system costs. We have also been able to develop and improve on our operational expertise with each successive project to enhance output per watt. Feedback from our operating projects also serves to further enhance our project designs, resulting in enhancements for current and new plants and further reductions to our levelized cost of energy

Our turnkey alternative energy solutions are designed to meet both short - and long - term requirements of clients, while maintaining greater reliability and efficiency.

Our product range adheres to the international regulations and standards, ensuring flawless functioning. No wonder, our solutions are being used by many clients in several sectors

Why Solar Power?

  • Renewable source - Produce electricity as long as sun exists
  • No voltage fluctuation - Keeps your hardware safe and operations up and running
  • Expandable at minimal costs - Flexible to incorporate future expansions
  • Long life – Minimizes the need of frequent changes of applications
  • Pollution free – Reduces environmental impact
  • Cost effective – Drop in energy bills and low maintenance cost save your money

Why choose us?

Affordable: We are a leading provider of high quality turnkey solar power solutions at affordable costs

Reliable: We install systems to the highest engineering standards while making the switch simple for our clients

Expert: Irrespective of the size of your business, we have the expertise to design a suitable energy solution for you


Solar energy is the energy that is radiated by the sun and is converted into electricity to ensure that the energy of the Earth is saved and renewable and cheap energy is used for daily use. We offer consultation and detailed information before you decide to solar power your premises. All details are always out there for you to see along with the fact that there are no hidden charges.

A solar on grid system is a power system that changes the sun’s energy into electricity and help you provide uninterrupted power supply all day and for night, the energy is stored!

How Does a Grid Solar Power System Work?

It may seem complicated but we ensure you that coming in agreement with GMDT Solar are the smartest thing you will do. Although it may seem complicated, the grid solar power system is very easy to understand and at the same time it as a ton of advantages too. In the simplest way

  • The sparkling shines on the panels of solar nature generates DC electricity
  • This electricity which is DC type is then fed into an inverter which works on solar principles that converts it to AC electricity. This is compatible to the user application.
  • For power appliances which are used on residential and commercial setup utilize this AC electricity
  • Extra electricity which is surplus for user is fed back into the main grid.
  • When the PV system generates less power than the requirement, utility power automatically complements the solar generation in order to send the required power to the user.
  • On the other hand, with a net metering scheme in place, on-grid systems can send excess power generated back to the grid in exchange for utility credit.
  • Produces peak electricity during the middle of the day, offsetting peak demand from utility power which is always at a lagging power factor. PV generated power is more or less at unity power factor and therefore reduces power losses.
  • Quick and easy installation with virtually no impact on building operations.
  • On-grid systems are the simplest and the most cost effective to install as they do not have batteries for backup.
  • Payback period varies from as little as 4-5 years and has a life span of 25 years.



Net metering is a billing mechanism that credits solar energy system owners for the electricity they add to the grid.
"Add" when
Use the electricity grid when you require more power than you can generate.
"Reduce" when
Any surplus of electricity produced is fed to the grid and credited on your utility bill.


Pay for the only kWh produced by solar rooftop solutions at a discounted tariff
Use electricity from the grid when extra power is needed


The Net Metering regulation allows you to generate solar energy on-site while remaining connected to the grid
Solar electricity is used on-site
Surplus is exported to the grid
Electricity credits can be rolled out indefinitely
Direct impact on customer electricity bill since solar kWh are cheaper than applicable utility tariff

We are the Lessor

  • Manage the permitting
  • Responsible for the design, engineering, procurement, installation and commissioning of the solar system
  • Manage all operational and maintenance obligations so to maximise the electricity output
  • Finance the initial capital and operational expenditures
  • Charge a rent for the use of the solar system based on a kWh tariff cheaper than the available utility rate

Benefits of Grid tied Solar Power Systems

There are many benefits of the Grid tied solar power systems. On the top they are cost saving and hold importance not only to you but to the planet as well. A few benefits are:

  • Full turnkey solutions.
  • You save a ton of money on maintenance, over all electricity bills and more.
  • No time to time maintenance needed.
  • High quality components.
  • Clean and environment friendly.
  • Reduced or eliminated electricity bills.

Grid Solar Power Systems Backups Available

You may be worried that solar energy may not be enough and you may face uninterrupted power supply once in a while. We offer you the following kinds of grid solar power system backups!

  • Grid tied with emergency backups used for power outages
  • Grid tied with off grid capacity used as availability
  • Grid assisted that generate own electricity

GMDT Solar offers to you the best services and products for all your solar power installation needs. Our aim is not only to make you satisfied, but do our part in saving the planet by saving precious resources and energy and utilizing as much of the sun’s energy as possible.


The increasing amount of technology in the world and the industrialization has increased the use of useful and precious energy. This energy is said to finish in the early future unless there are extremely high measures taken to save them. Solar energy usage is one way to save energy. In this treatment, the sun’s energy is given off and changed into electricity for people to use in their houses and other places to ensure power saving. Not only does it save energy, it also is light on the pocket and also provides quality generated electricity!

GMDT Solar offers to its customers solar off grid system. Off grid systems are which are used to ensure power at all times. This requires battery storage and a backup generator. A new battery needs to be installed very ten years!

Advantages of Solar Off Grid System

There are a number of advantages to solar off grid systems. The following are a few

  • No access to the utility grid
  • You never run out of energy since it is always stored!

Off Grid System Equipment

There is a number of off grid system equipment that we use to provide you the best service ever.

  • High Tech Solar Charge Controller
  • Long Duration Battery Bank
  • Reliable DC Disconnect
  • Tested Off-Grid Inverter
  • Durable Backup Generator


GMDT’s core offering are cost-effective, reliable and practical solar PV-diesel hybrid systems. We build these systems by synchronizing our modular, transportable solar generator units with conventional ultra-high efficiency diesel generators. In a typical configuration the solar system covers up to 95% of the daytime demand, while the diesel generators guarantee reliable power 24/7, even when the sun isn’t shining.

GMDT’s proprietary hybrid controller enables the smooth interaction of all components of the system by continuously monitoring load, solar production, the residual load on the generators, and spinning reserve requirements. If any parameter changes (e.g. if solar production drops due to a passing cloud), the system reacts in milliseconds to adjust generator output to the new requirement. More advanced versions of the controller can take into account solar radiation forecasts from sky cameras or trigger demand management to provide even higher reliability levels.

At low diesel prices, this combination is the most cost-effective configuration for systems with loads greater than 100 kW and relatively steady load profiles (e.g. camps, construction site offices, islands etc.).



Solar-battery systems are often the best choice for small systems (<100 kW load), as the efficiency of diesel generators drops rapidly below 250 kVA. Another good application for solar-battery systems is peak shaving of industrial loads (e.g. tower cranes on construction site, concrete batching plants or large mill motors in mining), thereby helping to increase power quality and reduce strain on the diesel generators. Batteries can also serve as buffer for hybrid grids with very high (>80%) solar penetration, allowing to switch of the generators during the day.

GMDT uses state-of-the-art Lithium batteries packaged in outdoor-rated IP65 enclosures to withstand the harshest climate conditions in the India and overseas. We combine these batteries with highly-efficient high-power inverters to provide full backup and black start capability.



GMDT includes a full remote monitoring & management suite in all of its solar-diesel and solar-battery hybrid plants as standard equipment.

All system parameters are monitored remotely from GMDT’s control centre, allowing our team to continually assess and monitor the efficiency of our plants under real-life conditions in the field, no matter how remote the site. In case any problems are spotted by our control centre, a service team is sent to the plant to correct the issue before they lead to operational problems for our clients.

We have installed hundreds of sensors measuring everything from ambient temperature to fuel flow, power quality and solar radiation on our fleet of mini-grids. We are continually expanding our sensor network, thereby growing a unique dataset about the real-life energy consumption profiles of camps, construction site offices, hotels and more.

This “Big Data” approach allows us to continually improve our performance over time, preventing outages and lowering costs in the process. It also enables us to offer our clients advice on how to improve the energy efficiency of their facilities, thereby further lowering power costs and emissions.


Advantages of Solar PV Hybrid Solar Systems

Solar PV Hybrid solar systems combine the best form on grid tied and off grid solar systems. They have plenty of advantages:

  • They are comparatively affordable than off grid solar systems.
  • They hold capacity of many innovations

PV Hybrid solar systems are one of the best things that can happen to the planet and to the human race

Hybrid Solar Systems Equipment

Generally the hybrid solar systems equipment include following:

  • Charge Controller of Hybrid Nature
  • Battery Bank For Long Term Usage
  • DC Disconnect
  • High Quality Battery Based Inverter which is Grid-Tie
  • Reliable Power Meter

All in all hybrid solar systems and off grid solar systems work better yet they require a little more maintenance and are comparatively lighter on the pocket. In any case, solar power installation is a big difference to all of us. GMDT Solar has the aim to satisfy their customers through consultation and satisfy the planet by using the best of nature and its components. By providing you these services, we are not only providing you with comfort, but we are also doing our part in saving the planet. Are you?


Solar Residential Power Systems have the potential to replace fossil fuel-based energy as the most prevalent way of powering individual homes. The free and inexhaustible power of sunlight makes it a far superior home-powering fuel, and it gradually becoming an affordable one!

The most important thing about home solar power systems, in other words, is that they will keep producing electricity as long as the sun is shining. Even if everyone on Earth had one, they'd never run out of energy! The solar power systems available to homeowners use solar cells (photovoltaic cells) to convert the sun's energy into direct current electricity for powering their home appliances.

The type of solar panel used in home solar systems depends on the geographical area in which those systems are installed. Concentrating solar collectors are those which have panels angled in such a way that they absorb a maximum amount of direct sunlight. Non-concentrating solar collectors can be used in areas where there is not as much direct sunlight, absorbing the sun's energy from both direct and reflecting angles.

Our solar street lighting systems are made by using only the best quality components and can be easily tailored to fit all kinds of requirements and applications. By using high quality solar components, we design top notch lighting systems that have been tested in critical weather conditions that are common in Indian and overseas region.


Our benefits:

  • Long lifetime operation.
  • Maintenance free gel batteries.
  • Best quality and highly efficient solar components
  • Automatic control systems facilitating smooth operation


GMDT Solar is determined to provide clean energy. Our experts strive to bring innovation in the everyday life on commercial and residential level by making affordable electricity as accessible as possible. This is the reason why we are introducing solar water pumping system which is a mini power house of solar array modules. It can easily run the attached pump and save sum of amount, you spend on electricity every month. It has variable application from household to industrial level. Our high tech design of solar based system is capable of operating every size and type of water pumps.

What is a Solar Water Pump?

To draw and pump liters of water in your tanks, and industrial application you use motor which takes electricity and becomes burden on your wallet. To resolve this issue, a clean alternative is available which works exactly like a conventional pump but the source of power is sunlight or solar energy. A tract of open rolling country is a land of scorching sun. With desert stretched around the city, it is the best place for the application of solar panels and other equipments. It is consist of a bore pump, a motor and a PV array and the solar equipment is fixed mounted which takes up the rays of sun convert them into useable electricity then transfer it to the module and increase the suction of water and pumping time.

With affordable range of prices these systems are available in variable horsepower. GMDT Solar is a reliable service provider in the Indian and overseas market which offers the stress free provision and instalment of solar water pump which can stay in optimum condition over 20 years.


Benefits of Solar Based Water Suction System

Depending on your requirements these equipment offers multiple advantages. Since the tract of open rolling country is a sunny area where the need of water is high in household, these system offers reliable, simple and cost effective solution of alternate energy and requires minimum assistance. If you are into plantation, or have a huge backyard landscape using these systems provide less erosion of banks and multiple distribution point.

  • It can be use in off grid areas throughout the year.
  • The operation expenses are minimal as compare to conventional and diesel pumps.
  • Our solar based water suction system does not emit green house gases.
  • The load on national grid reduced

How does it work?

It generates the voltage and power for the motor. This solar based drive converts the voltages o DC input to a AC output of 3 phase with variable frequency and voltage.

Application of Solar Equipped Water Pumps

  • Land Irrigation
  • Water supply on domestic level
  • Farming of fishes
  • Livestock
  • Fountains in park and home

GMDT Solar Offers

  • Manufacturing & Supply
  • Installation
  • Maintenance
  • Value for your money

For further information simply contact one of GMDT Solar specialists.


Evacuated Tube Collectors are the latest technology in Solar Water Heating. They are economical, easy to install & good for hard water conditions, as the tubes can be easily removed & cleaned.

We offers Evacuated Tube Collector (ETC) model, which is specially designed for Special areas. The ETC model provides supplementary insulation around their absorbers to maintain heat absorption.

Evacuated Tube Collector is more suitable for all atmospheres. ETC model is a better solution for larger homes, industrial plants, hotels, laundries, restaurants. Water heater is high efficiency, less collectors and easy to install not affected by temperature and thus operate in chilly climate.

ETC Water Heating Systems revolutionized the Solar Water Heating System market in the recent past. The All-Glass Triple Coated Evacuated Tube Collector is the most suitable remedy for users who only have hard water from a bore well or open well.


Advantages ETC

  • Cost @ 20-25 % less than Flat Plate Collectors systems.
  • Capacity : 100 LPD to 10,000 LPD (Liter Per Day)
  • Less floor space required for the same capacity than FPC systems.
  • Quick, easy installation.
  • Due to smaller packing size, transportation is easier & cheaper.
  • Higher efficiency in cloudy weather.
  • The systems can be used safely for hard water / bore well water.
  • No Heat Exchanger is needed to prevent scaling menace causing temperature losses. Glass tubes do not corrode or choke up.
  • A simple brush can clean them periodically.
  • One Time Investment
  • Maintenance Free
  • No recurring expenses like Electricity, Gas, Diesel, Ldo, etc.
  • Economical, Cost Saving & Environment Friendly
  • No Disruption in Hot Water Supply due to Power Cut


  • Solar Panels
  • Solar Heating Solutions
  • Solar Water Pumping Solutions
  • Solar Rooftop Turnkey Solutions
  • Solar Thermal Solutions
  • Solar Crystalline Photovoltaic Modules
  • Solar Grid Tide Solutions
  • Offgrid/Hybrid Solutions
  • Solar Electric Solutions
  • Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Solutions
  • Solar Roof Top
  • Solar Street Light
  • Solar Water Heater
  • Solar Home Light
  • Solar Signal Light
  • Solar Garden Light
  • Solar Emergency Light
  • Solar Lanterns
  • Solar Torch
  • Solar Mobile Charger
  • Solar Cap
  • Solar Fans
  • Solar Cooker
  • Solar Battery Charger
  • Solar Fencing
  • Solar Charge Controller
  • Solar Inverter / Normal Inverter
  • LED Lights & Bulbs (AC/DC)
  • Rechargeable Emergency Light
  • Rechargeable Emergency Torch